Aggregates and Consistency in CQRS and Event Sourcing

Often when we work with data we should think about consistency. A lot of articles, especcially in relational databases world say - ‘data should be consistent’, from the other hand a lot of modern approaches say - `eventual consistency is good trade off’. Sometimes it’s not clear how to find good balance, especially when you come from relational database world, where you think in terms of Transaction. In this article i will describe some the questions (and answers) about consistency we faced in the design process of application within CQRS + Event Sourcing approach.

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How To Debug Nuget Packages In Net .net Application copy

Few days ago, when i was debugging our application ( which was written with .net), i faced with issue, when the bug was hidden in the nuget package. It was required to debug the code inside the nuget package. In this post i will share my experience with debugging the code from the nugget package.

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C# Best practices

  • Do not rename parameters. Renaming parameter variables may lead to the situation, when callers who are passing arguments by parameters will have to modify their code.
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Cheat sheet - C# 7.0 all new features in one application

C# 7.0 introduced a lot of interesting stuff. Sometimes it is better to show than to say, so this post is attempt to show these new features on a small application. This program is a small calculator, that can just divide numbers. Application repository is available at github. If you think i missed some C# 7 feature fill free to create pull request.

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JMeter introduction

During the software development process we often facing with need to test something. Depending on your goals and testing objects we choose the most appropriate testing tool. Today i want to show Jmeter and how it can be used. This article doesn’t cover all Jmeter features and testing techniques. This is just brief description of Jmeter functionality, the goal of this article is to introduce JMeter.

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