Cheat sheet - nunit-console useful commands

What is nunit-console

Nunit-Console - a tool that allows you to run unit tests from the command line. Often it is used to run tests on the CI / CD server, but I prefer to use it on my local machine instead of GUI tools. Since I often use nunit-console, I decided to create a cheat sheet with them. I will try to add new commands as soon as they appear in my set of frequently used commands.

Nunit-console commands

All examples bellow are used from nunit console path, on my machine it is c:\Program Files (x86)\\nunit-console

Run all tests which contains ‘GivenTh’ in their name

nunit3-console.exe "C:\max-projects\filmtrack\avails\FilmTrack.Avails.Core.Tests\bin\Debug\FilmTrack.Avails.Core.Tests.dll" --where "test =~ GivenTh"

Save tests run result to a file

nunit3-console.exe "C:\max-projects\filmtrack\avails\FilmTrack.Avails.Core.Tests\bin\Debug\FilmTrack.Avails.Core.Tests.dll" --out "C:\max-projects\filmtrack\TestsResult.txt"
Written on June 24, 2020