Cheat sheet - C# 7.0 all new features in one application

C# 7.0 introduced a lot of interesting stuff. Sometimes it is better to show than to say, so this post is attempt to show these new features on a small application. This program is a small calculator, that can just divide numbers. Application repository is available at github. If you think i missed some C# 7 feature fill free to create pull request.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var thousand = 1_000;   // numeric literal 1000 (DEC)
    var binary = 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0111;   // numeric literal 15 (DEC)
        out int digit1,
        out var digit2,
        out _,    // out variables discard
        out CalcOperation operation);    // out variables
    var operationObj = new Operation(operation);
    operationObj.Execute(digit1, digit2);
    var (operationFromDeconstructor, lastResult) = operationObj;    // deconstructor
    Console.WriteLine($"Last operation: {operationFromDeconstructor}, last result:{lastResult}");

public static void ParseTwoStrings(
    object o1,
    object o2,
    object o3,
    string s4,
    out int i1,
    out int i2,
    out int i3,
    out CalcOperation op)
    i1 = 0;
    if (o1 is string s1)    // pattern matching with is
        int.TryParse(s1, out i1);    i2 = 0;
    switch (o2)
        case int i:    // pattern Matching
            i2 = i;
        case bool b when b == true:    // pattern matching with when
            i2 = 1;
        case string s2:
            int.TryParse(s2, out i2);
        case null:
            i2 = 0;
    i2 = i2 != 0 ? i2 : throw new ArgumentException("can't be 0");    i3 = 0;
    if (o3 is string s3)    // pattern matching with is
        int.TryParse(s3, out i3);    if (!Enum.TryParse(s4, true, out op))
        op = CalcOperation.Unknown;

public class Operation
    private CalcOperation _operation;
    private double _lastResult;
    public Operation(CalcOperation operation) => _operation = operation;    // expression-bodied members
    ~Operation() => Console.WriteLine("finalize");    // expression-bodied members
    public string OperationStringName => _operation.ToString();    // expression-bodied members
    public void Deconstruct(out CalcOperation operation, out double lastResult)    // deconstructors
        operation = _operation;
        lastResult = _lastResult;

    public double Execute(int operand1, int operand2)
        var operationResult = 0D;
        var srcOperandsBackUp = (FirstOperand: operand1, SecondOperand: operand2);    // named tuples;
        (double operand1Double, double operand2Double) =
            ConvertToDouble(srcOperandsBackUp.Item1, srcOperandsBackUp.SecondOperand);    // implicitlynstruction pattern

        switch (_operation)
            case CalcOperation.Div:
                operationResult = Div(operand1Double, operand2Double);

        Console.WriteLine($@"Input Operands converted:");
        Console.WriteLine($@"Operand1: {srcOperandsBackUp.Item1} => {operand1Double}");    // ItemN hidden getter
        Console.WriteLine($@"Operand2: {OperandsBackUp.SecondOperand} => {operand2Double}");

        return _lastResult = operationResult;

        double Div(double a, double b) => a / b;    // Local methods

static (double operand1, double operand2) ConvertToDouble(int operand1, int operand2) =>
            (operand1, operand2); // return multiple values without resorting to out parameters

public enum CalcOperation
Written on November 22, 2017